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B+4S Smart Site Safety System

SSSS utilizes technologies such as artificial intelligence, image recognition, big data and the Internet of Things to ensure the safety of workers and improve the efficiency of site supervision.

Security+ | Supervision+ | Quality+

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Smart Devices

AI Surveillance

Safety Alarms

Worker Health





Real-time detection of site safety hazards and monitoring of workers' health conditions, and alerts through instant messaging software to enhance site safety.


​Through the visualization of site data, real-time monitoring of project progress and worker flow and positioning is convenient for management and deployment of personnel.


The system monitors the site around the clock, automatically collects and organizes data and generates reports to improve work efficiency and reduce personnel input.



B+ Technology is an innovative technology company dedicated to promoting construction site safety. We hope to upgrade traditional construction sites into "smart construction sites" by using technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data and the Internet of Things, thereby enhancing the quality, safety and management efficiency of construction sites.



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